2023.11.30 Pet Safety

Pet Safety: Cat's Rest Matters

"Why does my cat sleep all the time?"

"Is it okay for my cat to sleep so much?"

I believe these are questions that most pet owners have had at some point. Is it really normal for cats to be this sleepy?

Let's take a closer look at the ins and outs of cat sleep today!

First, let's see how much time cats typically spend sleeping each day:

Kittenhood (0-6 months): 16-22 hours
Adolescence (7-24 months): 15-20 hours
Adult cats (2-10 years): 13-16 hours
Senior cats (>10 years): ~20 hours

Cats are natural hunters, and their ancestors needed to chase, hunt, and capture prey. Although modern house cats don't need to hunt for their own food, they are still influenced by their hunting instincts. Extended periods of sleep help them conserve energy and prepare for their next hunting activity.

Normally, adult cats can sleep for about 15 hours a day. Although this may seem like a lot, they can easily be awakened by external factors due to their light and deep sleep cycles, similar to humans. While it may seem like cats are always in a state of rest, approximately 70% of their sleep time consists of light sleep stages. The remaining 5-6 hours are spent in deep sleep, during which cats adopt relaxed sleeping postures such as stretching out or curling up into a ball, sometimes accompanied by purring.


Additionally, cats have nocturnal tendencies, which means they are more active during the night and tend to rest during the day. It's common to see cats lounging around during the day and becoming more energetic and playful at night.

Cat sleep habits can be adjusted to match the owner's lifestyle. If you want your cat to sleep well at night, spending time playing hunting games with them for at least an hour before bedtime can help them unwind. Whenever your cat starts panting during play, ensure they rest for at least a minute. Once your cat's breathing returns to a normal rhythm, you can resume playing. It's recommended to engage in play sessions at least four times within an hour to effectively drain your cat's energy and help them sleep soundly at night.

Lastly, cats rely on sleep to maintain their physical strength and immunity. Cats that don't get enough quality sleep are more susceptible to illness. Therefore, besides understanding your cat's sleep schedule, it's essential to provide them with a relaxing environment where they can rest undisturbed.